15. 분사(Participle)
15. 분사(Participle)
Ⅰ. 분사의 용법
1. 분사의 종류
⋆분사는 동작을 내포하고 있는 형용사 구실을 하는 것으로, 현재분사와 과거분사가 있다.
현재분사 (능동적 의미) | 과거분사 (수동적 의미) |
a walking man 「걸어가는 사람」 | a wounded soldier 「부상당한 군인」 |
a sleeping child 「잠자는 아이」 | a spoken language 「구어(口語)」 |
a crying baby 「우는 아이」 | a broken chair 「부서진 의자」 |
a flying bird 「나는 새」 | broken tea 「가루 차」 |
a running cat 「달리는 고양이」 | surprised look 「놀란 표정」 |
본동사 | 단순형 분사 | 단순형 수동분사 | 완료형 분사 | 완료형 수동분사 |
go | going | 없 음 | having gone | 없음 : 자동사이므로 |
make | making | being made | having made | having been made |
write | writing | being written | having written | having been written |
| 본동사의 시제와 같음 | 본동사의 시제보다 하나 더 과거 시제 |
∙Living in the country, I am very health.
= As I live in the country, I am very healthy.
∙Living in the country, I was very healthy.
= As I lived in the country, I was very healthy.
∙Having finished my work, I have nothing to do.
= As I have finished (finished) my work, I have nothing to do.
∙Having written my letter, I posted it.
= After I had written my letter, I posted it.
Ⅱ. 분사구문(Participle Construction)
1 분사구문의 뜻 :
⋆분사를 이용하여 부사절을 간단히 부사구로 고친 것으로, 그 구가 주절을 부사적으로
수식할때 이를 분사구문이라고 하며, 때(시간), 이유·원인, 조건, 양보, 부대상황(동시동작,
연속동작)을 표시하는 접속사의 뜻이 내포되어 있다.
2. 분사구문 만드는 요령
1) 접속사를 없앤다.
2) 분사구문으로 변형시킬 절의 주어가 주절의 주어와 같을 때는 분사구문에 따르는 주어를
3) 접속사가 있는 절의 동사는 「동사원형 + ing」 형태로 만든다.
3. 분사구문을 절로 고치는 법
1) 분사구문과 주절과의 관계를 살펴본 후 적당한 접속사를 선택한다.
2) 주어가 생략된 경우 주절의 주어나 일반인 주어 중에서 알맞은 주어를 보충한다.
3) 분사를 시제에 맞추어 알맞은 동사형으로 고친다.
4. 분사구문의 종류
1) 시간, 때를 나타내는 분사구문 (∼할 때에, ∼하는 동안에)
⋆when, while, after, as 등의 접속사 사용
∙Walking along the street, he met an old friend of mine.
= While he walked along the street, he met an old friend of mine.
∙(Being) Left alone, I began to read.
= When I was left alone, I began to read.
※ 다음 문장을 분사구문으로, 또는 절로 바꾸어 봅시다.
① When he saw a policeman, he ran away.
② While I was sleeping in a street car, I had my money stolen.
③ Hearing the news, she turned pale with fright.
④ When I was left alone, I began to read.
2) 이유·원인을 나타내는 분사구문 (~이므로, ∼때문에)
⋆as 사용
∙Not knowing what to do, I asked for his advice. (부정어는 분사 앞에)
= As I didn't know what to do, I asked for his advice.
∙Tired, I went to bed early.
= As I was tired, I went to bed early.
※ 다음 문장을 분사구문으로, 또는 절로 바꾸어 봅시다.
① Desiring rest, I lay down on the grass.
② Having no money with me, I can't help you.
3) 조건을 나타내는 분사구문 (~한다면)
⋆if 사용
∙Turning to the right, you will find the house.
= If you turn to the right, you will find the house.
∙Some books, read carelessly, will do more harm than good.
= Some books, if they are read carelessly, will do more harm than good.
※ 다음 문장을 분사구문으로, 또는 절로 바꾸어 봅시다.
① If you turn to the right, you will find the post-office.
② Turning your head to the left, you will see a beautiful girl studying.
4) 양보를 나타내는 분사구문 (비록 ~한다 할지라도, ~한다 하더라도)
⋆ though 사용
∙Admitting what you say, I still don't believe it.
= Though I admit what you say, I still don't believe it.
∙Born of the same parents, they bear no resemblance to each other.
= Though they were born of the same parents, they bear ∼.
※ 다음 문장을 분사구문으로, 또는 절로 바꾸어 봅시다.
① Though I admit what you say, I still think you are wrong.
② Though she is only six years old, she can play the piano well.
③ Even though we grant that he was drunk, we still cannot excuse his conduct.
5) 부대상황을 나타내는 분사구
⋆부대상황이란, 분사구문을 적당한 부사절로 바꿀 수 없으므로 and로 연결시켜 동작의
연속으로 보던가, 아니면 동시동작으로 보아서 while 또는 as로 연결시켜 부수적 동작을
나타내는 것을 말한다.
① 부대상황 (동시동작 : while, as ; ~하면서)
⋆동시동작의 접속사는 때를 나타내는 while이나 as로 연결시키지만, 번역은 「∼하면서」
로 한다. while은 때의 뜻이 강하고, as는 이유의 뜻이 강하므로 동시동작을 뜻할 때
는 분사구문 그대로 쓰는 것이 보통이다.
∙Smiling brightly, she extended her hand.
= While she smiled brightly, she extended her hand.
∙Walking on tiptoe, I approached the window.
= I walked on tiptoe and approached the window.
∙Singing and dancing together, we had a good time.
= As we sang and danced together, we had a good time.
∙I walked on along the street, looking this way and that.
∙She went away into fog, saying, "Tomorrow will be another day."
② 부대상황 (연속동작: ~, and + 동사 ; 그리고 ~하다)
∙ We started in the morning, and arrived in Seoul at noon.
= We started in the morning arriving in Seoul at noon.
※ 다음 문장을 분사구문으로, 또는 절로 바꾸어 봅시다.
① He went out of the room, as he sang a song.
② She looked at him and said, "I love you."
③ Taking the knife in his hand, he tried to cut the tree.
④ A fire broke out last night, destroying some ten houses.
6) 분사구문의 뜻이 때, 이유, 조건 등 어느 것인지 혼동을 방지하기 위해서,
해당 접속사를 분사구문의 앞에 부가하는 경우도 있다.
∙While bathing in the river, he was drowned.
→ Bathing in the river를 As he bathed in the river로의 오역을 막기 위해 While을 씀.
7) 완료분사구문
⋆단순형 분사는 본동사의 시제와 같지만, 완료형 분사는 본동사의 시제보다 한 시제 앞선다.
∙Having finished my work, I went to bed.
= After I had finished my work, I went to bed.
∙Having read the book, I returned it to him.
= As I had read the book, I returned it to him.
∙Having lived in the country, she is healthy.
= As she has lived in the country, she is healthy.
8) 수동분사구문
⋆「being + 과거분사」의 형태를 취하지만, being은 생략하는 것을 원칙으로 한다.
즉, 과거분사로 시작된 구가 문장의 앞에 나오면 수동분사구문이다.
∙(Being) Wounded in the legs, she could not walk.
= As she was wounded in the legs, she could not walk.
∙Tired with long work, he soon fell asleep.
∙Thus refreshed, we proceeded on our journey.
∙(Having been) Printed in haste, the book has many mistakes.
=As the book was printed in haste, the book has many mistakes.
∙(Having been) Born in better times, he would have been a great scholar.
=If he had been born in better times, he would have been a great scholar.
9) 독립분사구문
⋆분사구문에는 의미상 주어가 있는데, 이것이 주절의 주어와 같을 때는 생략하지만,
다를 때는 분사의 앞에 분사의 주어를 첨가해 나타내 주어야 한다.
즉, 분사구문이 분사자체의 주어를 갖는 것을 독립분사구문이라고 한다.
① 때
∙The sun having set, we gave up looking for them.
= After the sun had set, we gave up looking for them.
② 이유
∙It being fine, we went for a walk.
= As it was fine, we went for a walk.
∙We shall start tomorrow, weather permitting.
= We shall start tomorrow, if (the) weather permits.
∙He was reading a book, his wife knitting beside him.
= He was reading a book, and his wife knitting beside him.
⋆Having read a book, it was thrown away. (×)
Having read a book, I was threw it away. (○)
※ 다음 문장을 분사구문으로, 또는 절로 바꾸어 봅시다.
① When school was over, we went home.
② As it was very cold, they made a fire.
③ This (being) done, I went out for a walk.
④ As night came on, we started for home.
⑤ Other conditions being equal, this principle holds good.
10) 비인칭 독립분사구
⋆독립분사구문의 의미상 주어가 필요하지만, 그것이 we, you, they, people, one 등과 같이
막연한 일반인을 나타낼 때는 생략한다. 이러한 것을 비인칭 독립분사구문이라고 한다.
∙Generally speaking, our country lacks natural resources.
= If we speak generally, our country lacks natural resources.
∙Generally speaking, the climate of Hawaii is very friendly.
= If we speak generally, the climate of Hawaii is very friendly.
∙Strictly speaking, he is not an artist.
= If we speak strictly, he is not an artist.
∙Strictly speaking, it has a grammatical mistake.
∙Frankly speaking, he is not a reliable man.
∙Comparatively speaking, I am healthier than you. (비교적으로 말하면)
∙The distance of the sun from the earth is, roughly speaking, ninety-three millions
of miles. (대략 말해서)
∙Judging from his appearance, he seems to be very rich.
∙Talking of novels, you shall hear the story of Hamlet. (∼에 관한 이야기라면)
∙Granting that you are drunk, you are responsible for your conduct.
(∼을 시인한다 해도)
∙Considering his age, he is very intelligent. (Considering = For : ∼에 비하면)
∙Compared with last year, the prices of commodities have risen by 30 percent.
(∼에 비교하면)
∙She will recover, seeing that she is still young. (seeing that = since :∼을 보면)
∙Supposing that you were President of this country, what would you do for this
country? (만약 ∼이라면)
∙Supposing that you became King of the world, you could not make this confused world peaceful. (만약 ∼하더라도)
∙Taking all things into consideration, (만사를 고려하면)
5. Being, Having been의 생략
⋆형용사, 명사, 과거분사 앞에 쓰인 being 또는 having been은 생략이 가능하다.
분사구문의 시제가 본동사 시제와 같을 때 being이 본동사 시제보다 하나 더 과거 시제일
경우엔 having been을 생략한다..
∙(Being) Angry at my words, he made no reply.
= As he was angry at my words, he made no reply.
∙Dinner (being) over, he went out for a walk.
= When dinner was over, he went out for a walk.
∙(Having been) Born in better times, he would have been a great scholar.
= If he had been born in better times, he would have been a great scholar.
6. 분사의 강조용법
⋆분사에 사용된 동사가 live, stand, write와 같이 일반동사일 땐 do를 사용하고,
be 동사일 땐 be를 사용한다.
⋆being + 과거분사구문 강조 → as + 주어 + be 동사.
∙As I live in a remote village, I rarely have visitors.
= Living as I do in a remote village, I rarely have visitors.
⋆ ~ing as it does 형.
∙Standing as it does on the hill, the villa commands a fine view.
(저렇게 언덕 위에 서 있으므로, 그 별장은 전망이 좋다.)
(as; 양태접속사, it; the villa, does; stands의 대동사)
∙I feel it as a rare occasion, occurring as it does only once in many years.
(몇 년만에 한 번밖에 일어나지 않는 드문 일이라고 나는 생각한다.)
(occurring의 의미상의 주어는 occasion이다.)
7. with + 목적어 + 분사 (부대상황) ⇒ 생생한 묘사적 효과.
1) with + 목적어 + 현재분사. (목적어의 능동적 행동)
∙He sat silently, and the cat was dozing at his feet.
= He sat silently, the cat dozing at his feet.
= He sat silently, with the cat dozing at his feet.
∙It was a mistry morning, with little wind blowing.
= It was a mistry morning and little wind was blowing.
(바람이 거의 불지 않는 안개 낀 아침이었다.)
→ 여기에서 with를 뺀다면 little wind blowing은 독립분사구문이다.
2) with + 목적어 + 과거분사. (목적어의 수동적 행동)
∙He stood there, and he closed his eyes.
= He stood there, closing his eyes.
= He stood there, and his eyes were closed by him.
= He stood there, his eyes (being) closed (by him).
= He stood there, with his eyes closed. (with 분사구문)
∙With an eye bandaged, I could not write properly.
(한 눈을 붕대 감고 있었으므로 나는 글을 잘 쓸 수 없었다.)
3) with + 목적어 + 부사(구)
∙I shall be lonely with you away. (당신이 멀리 떠나버린다면)
∙with his feet on the pillow. (두 다리를 베개 위에 올려놓은 채)
∙with his head against a cushion. (머리를 방석 위에 기댄 채)
4) with + 목적어 + 형용사.
∙Don't speak with your mouth full. (입에 음식을 가득 넣은 채)
8. 문두에 나오는 주격보어
⋆Being을 보충하면 이유를 나타내는 분사구문이 된다.
∙Impatient of the heat, he left town for the country.
= Being impatient of ~
(더위를 참을 수 없어서, 그는 도시를 떠나 시골로 내려갔다.)
∙A man of social instincts, he had many acquaintances.
= Being a man of ~
(사교성이 풍부한 사람이었으므로, 그는 아는 사람이 많았다.)
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